Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rainy Day and Talking About God

Oh, I am loving this weather. It has been so hot and so long since it has rained. We really needed it. Also, I just felt like staying home tonight and reading, looking up stuff on the computer, and even posting a blog. Man, I try so hard to blog but I just never do. I think of something or sit down to type but I get distracted or... something I don't know. I'm not much of writer. It's just not my thing. So, I don't know. I don't have any great and wonderful thoughts right now. I just wanted to post something. I started looking up blogs to put on my google reader that pertain to speech pathology or special education, but I didn't find anything.

So, I moved on and looked at my online class on web CT. I've never done an online class but it doesn't seem like it will be too difficult so far. I did my first assignment which just involved writing a short introduction paragraph about myself. At the end of my paragraph I put "it is by the grace of God that I am where I am now" :) It doesn't seem to be a big deal but it is for me. Here's why; because I always use to, and still have a problem with shying away from saying the truth. If it deals with my faith and is different or unusual to people, then I feel awkward and just choose not to say it. It's a crazy and terrible thing, considering that my faith is the most important thing to me. It reveals the sin of people pleasing, idols, selfishness, and so many more.

Praise God, I have recently gotten better about this. I told you the example above and also when an interviewer asked me today why I chose that specific location, I truthfully said it was because of the church that I had heard great things about, and the body of believers I would get to be associated with. The Lord is working on me and showing me just how much more powerful and satisifying He is compared to the opinions of others. I would never deny knowing or hanging out with my best friend if someone asked or if it just came up in conversation. In fact I frequently bring her up in conversation myself, just because I am proud to talk about her or say that we did something together. Well... my God is my best friend, my father, my shepherd, my creator, my everything. I am proud of my God. But do the people that I communicate with regularly (or not even that regularly) know that? I pray that I will have the boldness and confidence in my God to be able to talk about Him the same way that I feel about Him.

I need a good verse. I will look for one and maybe add it later

So I am back (two or more weeks later :), but I found a great one. Romans 1:16. Now there's a verse to live by.

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